Leveraging your potential

From childhood to adolescence and from then on to adulthood is a process that we can see evolving. The physical and mental changes during this process that every person undergoes are obvious to everyone. What is less obvious is how the individual grows up psychologically, emotionally, tactically and smartly, meeting the new demands put on her/ him. Even more importantly, once a person reaches adulthood, the demands on the person are much more challenging for each one has to furrow his/ her own path in life. There are different sets of obstacles, newer forms of technological challenges, difficult decisions to be made, tough times to cope up with, euphoric times that may seem never ending but sadly come to an end. The good news is that with each passing day an individual is growing through effort, experience, learning, failure and competition. The even better news is that with every challenge in front of us, we set our own personal bars of excellence a wee bit higher, largely unconsciously for that is when we truly realize out potential.

Your potential is what an individual needs to leverage to ensure she/ he has no regrets in life. Success and failure are mere milestones but it is the distance covered that matters in the end. The way to maximize your potential is by embracing some or all of the following :

Smart work – While hard work is essential to ensure you are in the rat race, the real winners are those who leverage the power of smart work. Those who work smart focus on the big picture, understand their key strengths, identify people who have complimentary expertise and then use a combination of delegation, supervision and motivation to extract maximum productivity. All professionals who reach the top of their profession are people who have learned the fine art of working smart. They know the rules and the short cuts that can fast track their progress.

Risk taking – If you have the potential, there is no point in keeping it under wraps. Perhaps you will discover new facets of your potential by daring to move out of your comfort zone and trying new things.  Sure, there could be hiccups, failures, disappointments but remember that is the way it was when you first took your baby steps in life. The difference is that then you were not conscious about falling or failing or being laughed at; you were gravitating towards your natural urge to use your limbs to be mobile. As an adolescent and adult we are more focused on negative reactions to our risk taking and hence avoid straying down that path. Yet, progress has been made only by sticking one’s neck out. As they say a turtle cannot make progress without sticking its neck out.

Cre8ivity – Each of us blessed with ample creativity. The problem is we do not believe we are creative because we associate creativity with art and fine arts. A bigger problem is we are too lazy to explore our creative genius. Take for example the silly reasons we invented for not doing our homework during our school days. The more mischievous fellows came up with the most believable lies, thanks to their risk taking ability combined with their flair for inventiveness and their desperation to avoid punishment. As adults, we just need to believe in our creative abilities, try to juggle things in the mind till a solution emerges and be daring enough to attempt.

Persistence – Persistence is not equivalent to doing repetitive work nor is it simply attempting till one succeeds. Persistence is smartly working on a solution that you keep refining till it yields results. Trying to persist without checking if your approach is right is a sure recipe for both failure and frustration. Persistence is the power to hang on to yourself belief because you know you are  on the right track to succeed. A stamp they say succeeds, because it sticks to its task.

Common sense – In pursuit of innovative solutions, technology driven options and by being a slave to automation, the one aspect most under-utilized is our common sense. Common sense is the ability to see things in the right perspective and to respond in a simple and pragmatic way. Common sense has no school of learning but is the outcome of intelligence meeting learning and experience adding even more value to the action being taken.

In India, Juggad is a term that largely incorporates all the above principles except for the fact that end product is largely to find a temporary solution to a problem in a crude but effective way. Leveraging your potential is making the juggad of your life a long term, rewarding and satisfying experience because you rise up the level of the challenge before you.

Try these:          

  • Draw a scenery without any river, mountain, birds or sunrise featured in it.
  • List 6 ways in which you can increase your income in the coming month.
  • What is the most innovative gift you have ever received? Why do you value it so much?
  • What was the biggest risk you ever took and what was the result of that risk? Was it worth it?

This post is courtesy www.actspot.com

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