Go on and do it

It has been a while since I wrote this blog, mainly because I was out of town. However after coming back, I was not getting the zest to write and that is when I came across the above quote. Taking an immediate cue I eliminated all the frivolous reasons I had used to justify my inactivity.  The key to keep going, I discovered, was in not letting your mind to trick you into being lethargic, unproductive and indifferent. The steps to keep going are:

Have a motivation – The key to keep going when things are tough, when you are trying to keep yourself from falling down is to focus on the motivation that got you so far. A motivation provides the desire to keep going, to put up with the hardships and ensures that you get closer to your goal mentally. Sports person are a prime example of how motivation enables them to continuously and vigorously keep practicing. The end result will be seen only on the big day. Failure is a possibility but their hard work guarantees them a good performance. So come rain or sunshine, no matter if they feel fit or otherwise they keep at it relentlessly. What is your motivation that drives you?

Eliminate the excuses – A motivation is not enough; the devil is in the excuses that we conjure up to avoid the unavoidable. Perhaps a look back at school days and the numerous excuses we have had for not doing home work or for doing poorly in the exams would give a clue as to how we use a fig leaf to cover ourselves. In the real world the fig leaf would be blown away and so the only way is to be pragmatic and eliminate every excuse that pops up in the mind and prevents us from doing what we have to do. What is your favorite excuse?

Feel the difference – By starting again, you will immediately feel elated that you have crossed the chasm of indifference. As you make progress, however slow, there is a feeling of progress, the thrill of having overcome a hurdle and there is a new enthusiasm that seeps in. In experiencing these changes, one gets invigorated and journey is made lighter. Begin anew with hope. Have you noticed that your attitude and approach is now different?

Relish the accomplishment – Just as the taste of the pudding is in the eating, it is in relishing the accomplishment that one really gets to embrace the efforts put in. Visualize the end product when you begin and that gives you impetus. You make progress and that gives you confidence. Your spirit is reinforced as you notice how your efforts are bearing fruit. Finally you take in the sweetness of the fruit by joyfully taking in the accolades, congratulations and praise. Do you need anything more to be charged up to begin a new foray?

Try these:

  • List out 3 things that you know will greatly help you improve your personality but you haven’t yet got around to doing. You challenge is to adopt those practices starting now.
  • List out a few pending jobs that you have kept postponing on some pretext or the other. How about taking it up as a challenge?

This post is courtesy www.actspot.com

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