On this road called life…

Life is an ongoing journey, apparently on a road that has no end. For the pessimist it looks like a perennial journey filled with woes and challenges. For the optimist it offers never ending opportunities. The fact is that on the road called life, there are both challenges and opportunities but more importantly one needs to know that the ride stops sometime and it is best that we live life to the fullest. It doesn’t matter if you are an optimist or a pessimist; what matters is how you have journeyed through your life.

As long as the ride goes on, every individual has a responsibility to himself and to all those in his circle of influence to fully utilize the ride to make one’s own life as well as those of the people around better, happier and fulfilling. At the same time, the bad times that everyone is prone to have occasionally should not overwhelm and dishearten anyone. In fact, bad times are a good reminder that on the road of life there are bumps that one needs to watch out for. One cannot be perennially euphoric about the sudden spurts of good fortune or tidings of happiness that will come our way. However, one must learn to enjoy and value such moments for the same moment will never be repeated. Be gratefully for your blessings but never forget to share that with others.

At times our troubles are caused by others. Some create it unknowingly; others create it accidentally and a few heap troubles deliberately. Much as we are tempted to take revenge or at least teach the person a lesson, it is best we forget about the troubles the said person caused. However, it is prudent to remember the incident so that we do not get into a similar situation and get worked up again. Never forget to learn the lessons from troubles and failures. Perhaps you will realize your faults that led to it. That is a lesson, the learning from which should remain lifelong with us.

Finally there is a reality that people, including us change over time. Our best friends may drift away from us or we may acquire new friends and old friends fade into the background. Sometimes close friends may turn cold and occasionally hostile. That is the nature of the law of change. There is nothing constant, except what we make a determined effort to keep constant in our responses, reactions and relationships.

Ultimately the quality of our ride on the highway of life is nothing but what we make of it. If we decide to make it a life changing positive experience, that is what you will always encounter. If we groan, moan and grudgingly welcome each new day, then that is the type of life one will witness and experience.

The ride goes on; enjoy it while it lasts.

Try these:

  1. What two things do you wish you could have changed in your life? How would it have changed you for the better?
  2. Can you recollect a friend from whom you have drifted away? Can you point out three mistakes that you made that hastened this drifting away?
  3. What are the two changes you will bring about in your life to ensure you enjoy each day that unfolds?
  4. List out the following:
  • A song that uplifts your spirits
  • A movie that resonates with you and charges you up
  • The one moment of your life that you cherish immensely
  • The one act that you did which is still a heartwarming memory for you

This post is courtesy www.actspot.com

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