Struggling is not failure

These are trying times. For those confined to their homes or in quarantine, the struggle to come to terms with lack of social contact, is a difficult pill to swallow. However, that is nothing compared to the struggles of those who have lost their source of income; be it the small trader, marginal businessmen but mainly the daily wage earners. The struggle becomes worse because not too long ago, everyone was relatively much more comfortable and suddenly everyone was unceremoniously knocked off their comfortable perch, by an unseen, lethal and yet to be controlled menace.

At times, this unexpected, and as of now, unending struggle, to regain our confidence and our future seems impossible to cope with. That is when hope begins to fade, struggles seem to be mounting and an inexplicable fear of failing, overwhelms us. Yet if one were to take a look at the image representing this post, the beauty of the blooming flower, that seems to have taken roots in a parched land, offers hope, gives one confidence that the struggle will yield results soon.

When struggling, it is important to bear in mind that, ‘ if one continues to do what one has always done, the results would be what one has always got’. In the current scenario, this is a double edged sword; you may not get any results, or you may get some results in the end, but it may be too little, too late. So the next alternative is to think of doing something different, in the hope that you may get different results, and hopefully they would be a lot better, and a lot faster than expected. The challenge is not to give up, fear failure and concede defeat. Notice how the flower has bloomed by finding a crack in the dry earth; look for such cracks and opportunities to bloom again.

A struggle requires patience. However, one cannot just keep waiting; one must be keep doing something planned and practical, that should hopefully get you the results, you hope for. The fruits of your effort could take time to fructify, but the effort must not be discarded, nor should it be compromised by attempting foolish short cuts. Like the seed that germinates underground in the dark even in a parched land, the struggle should go on and it will then grow from beneath the soil to bloom. Look at your struggles as a journey through a long tunnel; if you give up and you fail to keep going, you won’t exit the tunnel; keep going and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

A struggle is often lonely. You may have family, friends and acquaintances around. At times you are all alone. The reality is that no one will ever be able to fully empathize or understand your struggle. In fact, there could be many who could be critical, mean, unhelpful and downright hurtful to you as your struggle. If lucky there will be a few who encourage and push you along but walking the talk is a something you have to do on your own steam. Look at the picture to see how your struggle when successful will turn out; beautiful, refreshing and victorious. Your lonely struggle is never a struggle alone if you have your spirit of resilience and the will to succeed accompanying you.

Try these:           

  1. Many of you who are reading this post may be struggling to cope with the massive disruption in their life. Students who have yet to give their exams ( which are long delayed); students whose admissions are on hold; students whose on campus classes are now  threatened; teachers who have to adapt to the new teaching styles; people who have lost their jobs or livelihood. Do not just brood over your problems. Write down your various alternatives.  Seek help. Change tracks. Keep your momentum going, so that you are not stagnant, stunned and/ or stupefied by the situation.
  2. Maybe you are struggling to lose weight or to enhance your income or to keep your relationships on even keel. Whatever your struggle take a leaf out of the plant in the picture above (there is only a flower I know) and don’t give up.
  3. If you can, do see the following movies to understand how people struggled to beat the odds.
      • 12 Angry Men
      • Manjhi
      • The Shawshank Redemption

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On this road called life…

Life is an ongoing journey, apparently on a road that has no end. For the pessimist it looks like a perennial journey filled with woes and challenges. For the optimist it offers never ending opportunities. The fact is that on the road called life, there are both challenges and opportunities but more importantly one needs to know that the ride stops sometime and it is best that we live life to the fullest. It doesn’t matter if you are an optimist or a pessimist; what matters is how you have journeyed through your life.

As long as the ride goes on, every individual has a responsibility to himself and to all those in his circle of influence to fully utilize the ride to make one’s own life as well as those of the people around better, happier and fulfilling. At the same time, the bad times that everyone is prone to have occasionally should not overwhelm and dishearten anyone. In fact, bad times are a good reminder that on the road of life there are bumps that one needs to watch out for. One cannot be perennially euphoric about the sudden spurts of good fortune or tidings of happiness that will come our way. However, one must learn to enjoy and value such moments for the same moment will never be repeated. Be gratefully for your blessings but never forget to share that with others.

At times our troubles are caused by others. Some create it unknowingly; others create it accidentally and a few heap troubles deliberately. Much as we are tempted to take revenge or at least teach the person a lesson, it is best we forget about the troubles the said person caused. However, it is prudent to remember the incident so that we do not get into a similar situation and get worked up again. Never forget to learn the lessons from troubles and failures. Perhaps you will realize your faults that led to it. That is a lesson, the learning from which should remain lifelong with us.

Finally there is a reality that people, including us change over time. Our best friends may drift away from us or we may acquire new friends and old friends fade into the background. Sometimes close friends may turn cold and occasionally hostile. That is the nature of the law of change. There is nothing constant, except what we make a determined effort to keep constant in our responses, reactions and relationships.

Ultimately the quality of our ride on the highway of life is nothing but what we make of it. If we decide to make it a life changing positive experience, that is what you will always encounter. If we groan, moan and grudgingly welcome each new day, then that is the type of life one will witness and experience.

The ride goes on; enjoy it while it lasts.

Try these:

  1. What two things do you wish you could have changed in your life? How would it have changed you for the better?
  2. Can you recollect a friend from whom you have drifted away? Can you point out three mistakes that you made that hastened this drifting away?
  3. What are the two changes you will bring about in your life to ensure you enjoy each day that unfolds?
  4. List out the following:
  • A song that uplifts your spirits
  • A movie that resonates with you and charges you up
  • The one moment of your life that you cherish immensely
  • The one act that you did which is still a heartwarming memory for you

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Discovering the fountain within you

The empty bucket that we walk around with, can be labeled many things. Excuses are the most common label. Then there are others like bad luck, not good enough, it is very tough, it is not possible for me, there is no one to help me etc. The sad part is that these empty buckets remain empty while ironically, there is within you the fountain of limitless opportunities and potential waiting to be tapped into. The question is how can one identify this fountain and how can one drink deep from this fountain. Surprisingly the question is not too difficult to answer. However, one must be ready to make an effort to find the answer and to then make double that effort to reach into the fountain within you and utilize it well.

Do a personal SWOT – Do an objective evaluation of your personal strengths, weakness, opportunities that you see being available to you and the potential threats or difficulties that can derail your success. If required pay attention to feedback from people who matter, ask mentors or elders who can give you an objective analysis. It is a self diagnosis that can help one pursue the right medicine for personal improvement and development. Surprisingly you will find that all that is required for your well being and happiness in well within you. You will discover new strengths and opportunities and you will also note that the antidote for many of your weakness and imaginary threats are also within you. All you need to do is delve in and find it.

Identify your interests/ passion – This could be in the nature of your non academic interests as well as those subjects that you are good at and also have a passion for. However, while interest could be varied, your passion is what you deeply care about and are willing to sacrifice a lot so as to pursue it. Imagine you being passionate about music but you are unable to pick up musical notes. While your interest and passion are commendable you will have to find innovative ways to ensure you can live your passion fruitfully.  Once again delve in and discover your creativity, your inner strength, undiscovered talents and re-engineer your life with these.

Outline your short term/ medium term / long term goals – These goals must be done for varied aspects of your life. You will then realize that you are already blessed with much and with diligent, focused persistence you can dig deep into the enormous potential that you have which lies untapped. Within you lies the balance that will ensure you limit your desires, be lavish with your gifting and tap into unlimited joy. Your goals are then reduced to being happy and making the world around you happier.

Move out of your comfort zone – For the vast majority, an unwillingness to step out of their comfort zone has made them look at their potential and the opportunities possible like a frog stuck in a well. When you move out of your comfort zone, you will definitely feel a little helpless and concerned but soon you will also discover that the world has much more to offer provided you are willing to take your chances. The fountain within you will gush out when you risk more, discover more and experiment more.

Try these:

Write down answers to the following questions?

  1. Who is the happiest person you have ever met? List three qualities that the person exhibited that justified your belief.
  2. What is the biggest loss you ever suffered? How long did it take to get over it?
  3. What is the one desire you still crave for? What will happen if you do not get your desire?
  4. What was the most embarrassing/ awkward moment of your life? Do you still feel terrible about it?
  5. What is your greatest weakness from among these three; anger/ jealousy / pride. How has it impacted your life?
  6. Name the three greatest blessings you have received. What is the one blessing you wished you got?

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We see the world as we are

Often we are blissfully ignorant of our own lopsided, one-dimensional and / or biased view of happenings around us. This is often the result of our inability to see things from a broader perspective or because we jump to conclusions quickly. Perhaps our inability to listen to others compounds the problem too. The net result however is that we end  up being ill informed, believe partial truths and arrive at erroneous conclusions that can have detrimental consequences for us.

The following suggestions can help each of us have a holistic view of the world around us.

Be aware of our personal bias. –  Our assumptions largely influenced by our personal biases often result in us seeing things from a very narrow perspective and erroneously believing that to be the only right thing. Our bias also influences us overlook red flags, ignore warning signs, makes us dogmatic and we are prone to seeing things the way we want it to be. Past personal experiences are a key reason why we are either overly risk averse or blissfully foolhardy rather than being pragmatic. E.g. Pushing kids to choose a stream of study that is time tested like engineering / commerce etc. whereas they have many off beats paths to tread on.

Accept the reality that there could be another point of view – As we are largely influenced by logical thinking, we get bogged down in our thinking and ignore views that do not fit into our frame of thinking. Negotiations often get impacted when parties to the negotiation are dogmatic that there is only way to see things and that is their personal viewpoint only. E.g. accepting that the world is round is tough initially because as far as our eye can see, the world is flat.

Be prepared to be corrected – Our ego gets hurt when someone points out our errors. Yet, mistakes happen all the time and it is in our interest to be aware of our mistakes and correct it.  However, very often we try to justify ourselves, defend our view point and pick on others faults instead of listening with an open mind. Our erroneous thinking when corrected actually gives us an advantage; for now we are on the right track. However, to get on to the right track we must be prepared to be corrected. E.g. during annual appraisal the superiors often share with us our areas for improvement. Our reaction to their observations holds the key to our progress thereafter.

See things from another’s perspective – Many times we are so obsessed with our own thoughts, ideas and views that we wade into a conversation or discussion wanting to inflict our opinions on all. At times we are so passionately convinced about our opinions that we neither pay attention to others nor do we respect a differing view point even if we grudgingly admit it has some merit. This also creates unpleasantness when differences crop up and we remain obstinate, unrelenting and dogmatic. E.g.  Our fanatical obsession with our personal food/ fashion/ political preferences etc.

Be ready to learn and change. – The speed of change often overtakes us and yet we are unwilling to adapt to the change. Technological changes are a classic case in point. Either because we technologically challenged or because we are old fashioned, we are often reluctant to adapt to the changes. At times we find it embarrassing to have to be taught by young people, while other times we find it tough to cope with the nuances of the learning. We rationalize that the good old days were better to continue the status quo. E.g. adapting to online banking and similar commercial transactions/ using varied apps

Try these:          

  1. Ask youngsters what are the latest apps and choose two apps that you think will be very useful for you. Use it regularly and decide if it is useful for you.
  2. Outline three changes around you, that you never anticipated/ imagined 5 years ago.
  3. What are your three cherished ideas/ views with which the following people differ completely?
  • Your children or friends or colleagues
  • Your siblings or cousins of a similar age group

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Prove it to yourself

For most people frustration creeps in when one feels unappreciated, unrecognized and  unknown despite us doing what we think is an awesome job. The real problem unfortunately is that out thinking is flawed. While the ego would want to be noticed, recognized and appreciated, what one fails to put in perspective is that one must learn to enjoy and take pride in what one does. This can happen if we constantly exceed our own expectations. Once you prove your abilities and potential to yourself, your personal gratification of a job well done, would not need you to seek out third part confirmation.

Here are 5 ways to prove yourself to yourself:

Take on a challenge – Almost every moment we are challenged to focus on our goals, prepare for eventualities, fight boredom and laziness etc. That apart there could be bigger challenges that come either out of a work situation or because of a personal crisis or because someone has set you a task and challenged you to take the dare. Every one of these challenges is an opportunity for you to prove yourself to yourself because that is how you get things accomplished which you otherwise would have found tough to do.

Pursue a dream – It is possible that at various times you had fanciful ideas and dreams or wishes. Due to pragmatic considerations it is possible you let those dreams remain and focused on a way to make a living and life that would give you economic freedom, respect and domestic bliss. Yet the craving to achieve a dream perhaps still remains. It could be something very personal like learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument or it could be something off beat like trying to moonlight as a comedian or a writer or an actor. Whatever your unfulfilled dream, bring it to the fore and give it your best shot.

Move out of your comfort zone – By habit we try to stick to the tried and tested. Occasionally one may experiment with fashion or food but when it comes to attempting something that requires a long term commitment or that has a serious element of risk but with an equally tantalizing prospect of reward we err on the side of caution. We simply let those opportunities pass by.  Perhaps you get a tempting offer to change your passion into a profession but with the challenge of having to sacrifice your current stable occupation; ask yourself what your next move will be. By moving out of your comfort zone even in matters like pursuing your dream or taking on a challenge you prove yourself to be someone with courage, daring and confidence. That is the stepping stone to taking bigger risks of moving out of your comfort zone perhaps by moving location, maybe changing jobs, perhaps starting your own venture etc.

Stop cribbing / complaining – One common factor that binds most of us is complaining about what should be right. We also take pleasure in pontificating about what ought to be done, what is not being done and how one would have done it; alas very few of us walk the talk. We criticize our housing societies, the municipal corporation, the state government, the national government but do not get involved in any action plans initiated by any of these agencies. We have our own rationale and excuse for indulging in the very matters we crib about. A classic case is bribing authorities to get work done which is what be complain and crib about regularly. If you simply stop complaining and whining that would be a major step in proving to yourself that you will not let the problems around demotivate or stress you out. If you can go the next mile by proactively getting involved in a social cause that you yearn to bring a change in that will be a humongous proof that you can do what it takes to be your own person irrespective of the challenge/ pain / sacrifice that involves.

Be the change – The best way to prove yourself to yourself is to be the change you want to see around you. It could be simple matters like sticking to your commitments, adhering to the time schedule or it could be by being bolder and  standing up for what you believe is right, opposing what you serious differ with and being willing to stick your neck out for those who are wronged. You may have to confront the critics, perhaps alienate your friends who differ with your views, be in a minority because of your views but by being the change you want to see, you will see yourself proving your own independence, taking pride in your sense of responsibility and seeing yourself making a difference to the world around you.

Try these:

Try an explore the following opportunities to prove you have it in you to make a difference

  • Join an NGO and volunteer there.
  • Explore a strength that you posses that you have never utilized effectively e.g. taking tuition’s in maths or taking a sports coaching in a discipline in which you are/ have been strong or if you are good musician but never been part of a band try to join a band.
  • Write a letter to a newspaper or create a short video about something that you feel strongly about. E.g. stray animals / misuse of social media /

Click on the following links and see people who proved that they can make a difference without applause, recognition and fame.

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An open mind…

27-30 Jul 17-An open mindIf we look at children playing you would notice that they are excited by the little things that they discover for the first time. The ants moving around busily, the joy of jumping in some puddles, the flight of the birds, the freedom when on a swing and the up and down of the sea saw. Their minds are filled with wonder at the fun that is in abundance around, at the variety of the fun they can have and they are joyous at discovering something new.  Yet this very same child, as he or she grows up begins to learn,  most of it by rote and thereafter things become a blind belief. If the text book says it must be a fact, if the teachers, parents or elders say something, reasoning would have little scope to penetrate the mind and if the individual has firsthand experience, that would be the ultimate truth. The wonders that once enabled a free and open mind are now shackled by the chains of dogma and blind faith.

The only way to regain and retain the joys of wonderment are by keeping an open mind that will allow all varieties of influences to come and go without it being prejudged, prejudiced or passed over. This can be best done in the following ways

Seek new experiences – Move out of your comfort zone if you have to experience something different and new. It could be as simple as trying out trying out a different cuisine or experimenting with a new hairstyle. Alternatively it could be extremely challenging like attempting to overcome a fear or taking on a dangerous dare. Your mind would feel the exhilaration only when you open  it up to take on new possibilities.

Find positives in sour experiences – Not every experience would be pleasant. Sometimes the experiences would be painful or it could be embarrassing or it could provide a rude jolt. Train your mind to find something positive in the failure so that the experience becomes worthwhile and has provided you a new learning.

Question more – While one cannot try and question all that is taught, where one has serious doubts raise questions. The objective must be to ensure that you are fully convinced about the matter and not embrace it because of a blind belief. Disruptive technology and disruptive business models are nothing but answers to questions that asked about existing beliefs.

Have an independent view – You are an unique individual. Your individuality is highlighted by your ability to stand out in a crowd. This is best expressed by asking probing questions, articulating / expressing yourself even if it means going against the majority. Stand by your convictions.

Embrace change – Since change is the only constant, embrace change whole heartedly. Change is nothing but moving from the existing to creating a new paradigm. Change can be disruptive, frightening, revolutionary and overwhelming. Make change a friend and you will discover possibilities that you never ever imagined. It will shatter your existing beliefs and instead transport you into a land of wonderment.

Try these

  • Go to Youtube and check out some of the TV talent shows to get a flavor of what possibilities mean.
  • List out the five major technological changes that you have had to cope with, in the past five years.
  • Outline three bitter experiences and a valuable lesson you learned from it.
  • What is the best gift/ present you ever got in your life. Why do you think it is special?

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Who is the hero of your story?

9-28-feb-17-who-is-the-hero-of-your-storyThe beauty of life is in its variety, its surprises, its plot twists, its challenges and opportunities but most of all life’s wonder lies in its uniqueness for each one of us. The divergence that seems to pervade each one’s life is also the one that flavors each one’s life to make it special and unique. It poses us a challenge; make it your own story; script it the way you want it and always bear in mind you are the hero/ heroine of that blockbuster. The challenge is best met by being aware of the following:

Embrace life warmly – No one is perfect. No one has everything one wants. All the riches cannot buy happiness. Life is a blessing gifted to you. Embrace it warmly for no one else can live your life. Stop cribbing; seek opportunities; let failures not limit your movement forward and learn to appreciate your blessings.

Be the change – If you want to enhance the quality of your life don’t wait for luck or fate to make it happen. You will have to tempt fate by changing yourself and attempting to tread the path of your dreams. You may be discouraged at times, you may have to retrace your steps occasionally, sometimes you are on a roller coaster ride but land with a thud; get back on the ride.  Let nothing stop you from progressing.

Do something – Sometimes life sucks as the young people like to say. It happens to the best of us. The mantra is when ‘when life sucks don’t get stuck’ ; do something to keep the momentum going so that your heaving yourself out of the pit that you landed in. Be creative, be bold, be different, think out of the box, act upon your instincts and inspirations; don’t just give in- do something.

Live,laugh,leap – A lot of people merely exist; they don’t live. Do not let life sap your energy. Instead find a way to make your life the solar panel from which draw on from, when there is darkness setting in. Laughter is the oil of life that lubricates the tough times that befall us. After all a smile is curve that sets everything straight. Don’t just let life meander along but take a giant leap to discover how far you can jump or test how high you can rise. The view would be different too. The fun is a huge bonus.

Stop,pause,breathe – Do not become part of the rat race. You have to race only against yourself. The race is measured not in terms of distance traversed as much as experiences embraced, number of times you have got after stumbling or falling, discovering latent potential that you possessed and surprising yourself daily. Enjoy the process, the progress and the possibilities that you discover. Stop to stand and stare, pause to catch your breath and breathe deep and recharge yourself with the elixir called life.

Try these:

  1. Read the following inspiring story that largely embraces all that is suggested above
  2. List out the following
  • Your dream for the future
  • Your passion
  • Your role model
  • Your favorite proverb

Is there anything that binds all the above? What is stopping you from following your passion? How can you imitate your role model ( assuming that your focus will be on the role model’s qualities that are worth emulating) . Are you adopting the proverb in your daily life and making it work for you?

Are you scripting your story with YOU as the hero/ heroine?

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Create magic moments

16- Make moments count

Some of us get frustrated waiting for the right moment, there are others who lament and rue those moments they missed taking advantage of and then there are plenty of us who wonder what the right moment ever is. Each breathe we take, is a moment that is all ours to utilize. Yes even the sleeping hours can be profitably used to dream up new effective plans, provided of course we go to bed with such an objective in mind. In reality, the fact that we go to bed with thoughts of attaining something worthwhile, gives us a clue as to what to do in our waking hours, to pursue that worthwhile goal. However unlike our every breathe that is automatic, capturing the right moment is actually possible only with effort. We need to first work on creating the right moment, and then be aware of the perfect time to make our move and grasp those moments and make it memorable.  So now ask yourself what was the most memorable moment of today?

Picture / visualize what you want. You create moments only when you have a purpose and goal to attain. Without it, we would never be an evolved animal but merely a specie like the rest of the animal kingdom who live merely from meal to meal with evolutionary diversions being a bonus moment in the humdrum of everyday living.  Man/ woman (human race in general) alone is blessed with the privilege to create wonderful moments to experience, share and reminiscence. In daily life, these moments will never be as dramatic as winning a contest or getting an award or breaking some records etc. Yet, we can create and cherish those moments daily by focusing on how we can contribute in our own little way to making the world around us a wee bit better each day.

Here are some things we can do daily to create those magic moments

Spread positivity – Yes there is a lot wrong with the world around. Yet the world has survived many doomsayers prophesies. So seek out the good around, be optimistic, focus on what is going on right. Go around spreading cheer, giving hope, sharing your enthusiasm, injecting a spirit of pride in those we come in contact with daily.

Stand up for your beliefs/ values – Standing up for what we perceive as right or for the values we hold dear is challenging, for there would be many others holding a different and possibly conflicting point of view. It is essential therefore that we are heard aloud, our point of view articulated clearly, our arguments unbiased and rationale and that we are willing to listen to others who may not share our views. We may not come to a definitive conclusion but we certainly won’t be steamrolled or let a brute majoritarian viewpoint be imposed de facto. That would be the moment that you create for the world to see your individuality.

Be there for others – At some stage in life each of us requires help from others. Seek out those who need such support and reach out to them. It could be someone struggling to take a decision, someone who is lonely and scared, it could be someone wanting to share a thought or fear or it could be someone wanting acceptance. Simply being polite, well mannered, being a good listener is all it takes to make those magic moments for others and yourself.

Act decisively to bring change – All of us have complaints. Can we start doing something about our grievances? Start working on finding solutions to our grievances and soon we would be  getting others to join us in the quest of a solution not merely lamenting about our problems. You would create that moment by acting decisively to bring about change rather than joining the chorus of complainants.

Appreciate and encourage – At a more simple and personal level, you can create moments by appreciating others who have achieved something and encouraging those who are yet to fulfill their potential. Appreciation and encouragement are very fulfilling when one does it spontaneously, means it genuinely and gives of it freely. Look out for opportunities to spread such cheer and optimism daily.

Pardon and forgive – If we feel wronged we find it hard to pardon and forgive those who we see as perpetrators of the injustice. As a result, long after the event has passed, we still nurture a grievance, secretly hope to avenge it and want to plot the others downfall or atleast get a vicarious pleasure in their suffering.  Yet it is that moment when we can forgive and pardon that will set us at peace, free us from a mental bondage and create a moment of personal exhilaration.

Accept and let go – Some events will overwhelm us. We cannot turn the clock back and yet we either live in denial or we seek comfort in lamenting ‘if only’. The moment we let go of the crutch of denial or lament, we would make dramatic progress in leading a happier, fulfilling and meaningful life. Accept the mistakes of the past, let it remain in the past, focus on the opportunities ahead and the enormous potential you have to make life even more wonderful. It is that moment you create that will transform you into the person that you really are meant to be.

Try these:

Go to a vantage point like a street level café in a crowded market place or a bustling railway station or bus terminus and simply observe the people passing by. Pay attention to those walking slowly, those lingering, those looking lost and confused, those on the verge of tears. Be grateful for your more well off life and attempt to mitigate the misery of one such person you notice.

Go and visit an elderly friend or relative who is seeking company or visit the sick in the hospital nearby. Perhaps you can  visit a home for the physically/ mentally challenged and create some magic moments for them too.

Maybe you would like to write or speak to someone who you could not pardon or someone who you would like to appreciate. Maybe you can volunteer for a movement about which you are passionate but have not yet committed. Is there a regret that you want to let go off and walk away from. Write it down and then tear it up and trash it.

Learn to create those moments that you will cherish henceforth! Go forth and be blessed with magic moments and timeless memories.

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Your response to change makes the difference

23- Your Response to change determines makes the differenceIt is well known that change is the only constant in life and that it is imperative to adapt to change. However today we view change from a different perspective, of how it is vital for us to understand and appreciate how we respond to the challenge of change, which is forever inundating us. To begin with we need to be aware that change is a process and our response is a compulsion, a reaction or an initiative. Our response will often determine the outcome of the effect that change has on us; change either imposes itself on us or we accept it with grace or we nurture it affectionately.

When change is a compulsion it indicates that we did not anticipate it or we ignored it or that we were too stubborn to accept it. If one is able to make peace with the reality that change brings about and even reluctantly accept the change it is possible that one can survive the effects of change. The biggest change is being brought about by the technological revolution. The older generation would psyche themselves into believing that they are not capable of adapting to the technological changes and as a result often feel lonely and isolated. Similarly organizations that did not feel the winds of change often got blown away when the technology revolution gathered momentum. In a fast paced world where the pace of change is in geometric proportions, it is only the people who change at least after the change who can survive. It is imposed and is then the compulsion of the times

When change is a reaction it implies that we are attuned to the happenings around and that one is open to understand, appreciate and gracefully accept the change. The numerous initiatives of NGO’s and governmental agencies to health concerns, ecological concerns, natural disasters, child labor, educational imperatives etc are in many ways changes that a more aware society is keen to highlight. Technology be it in the form of harnessing solar and wind energy or waste disposal or harnessing nuclear power are also changes that nudges us to become more aware and encourages us to quickly adapt and adopt the inevitable. People who change with change will succeed because they quickly reacted to the change they noticed and accepted.

When change is an initiative it is a proactive response to a concern, an opportunity or the creation of something absolutely new. Look around and there are ample problems all crying out for solutions. Those who can visualize these concerns as a possible problem to be solved would take the initiative to find solutions that would ultimately lead to a change. Similarly those who can creatively scan the environment to add value by shaking up the status quo are leveraging the opportunities around. The numerous apps that are mushrooming are a clear sign of how change is becoming an initiative that unlocks value for those who respond proactively. Then there are those who disrupt the existing order with revolutionary ideas and creations. The ATM machines, the credit card revolution, the online payment gateways have turned banking and finance on its head. Similarly the concepts of laser surgery, pain management drugs, robotic manufacturing etc. are initiatives that have redefined the existing world order. Notice that all these people cause the change bringing about a revolution; the Windows, Google, Facebook , Whatsapp are leading the world because they took the initiative to change.

Try these:

  1. Look around and identify at least 5 possible areas of improvement in the world around you. It is not necessary that you have the skill or competence to proactively make those changes but idea generation itself is a proactive initiative.
  2. Scan the news papers and websites to identify opportunities for you to take some initiative and give expression to your ideas/ creativity. E.g. Currently there is a short story writing opportunity for aspiring writers being run by a leading newspaper. Similarly there is one leading airline seeking ideas to incorporate in their app.
  3. Do you have any fresh / new ideas to address the following concerns
  • Make citizens avoid the use of plastic bags
  • Encourage citizens to segregate waste into wet and dry waste
  • Ensure that electricity is not wasted because street lights are not switched off in the day time or water is not wasted because a public tap is leaking or a pipeline has burst.
  • Make citizens aware of the status of public interest projects like road widening, building over overbridges, setting up of garbage / sewage disposal plants etc.

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Uncertainty has one certainty

19- 23 July 15-Uncertainty has one certainty - possibiltiesLike change, that is a constant in our life, uncertainty is niggle that will never go. Each moment of our life, we are constantly processing fresh inputs and each input brings with it fresh perspectives for us to mull on. The human mind is largely programmed to preserve, protect and pre-empt threats and dangers and hence, every input we get is filtered through the lens of self preservation. As a result, uncertainty brings with it a sense of dread, fear and worries, which threaten to overshadow the one certainty that it offers – infinite possibilities. Once we accept that uncertainty will be a lifelong companion, then it is possible for us to see it as a shadow, that seems to lurk but is never threatening. That is when we learn to face the sun, put the shadow behind us and see the overpowering light of possibilities ahead of us.

Here are some ways of visualizing possibilities that can be leveraged to make life more interesting, happy and fulfilling.

Think positive – Since self preservation is a natural instinct in us, we have developed our senses to anticipate trouble as being equal to uncertainty ahead. As a result we always scan the future for trouble, difficulties, negativities and danger. While it is essential that we plan for any future eventualities, that should not be the fulcrum around which our life should revolve. Look ahead with anticipation, move ahead with confidence; don’t let a few hurdles stop you from proceeding ahead. The trick is to set your goals high and to visualize yourself setting out on an adventure towards that goal with zeal, enthusiasm and faith. Remember ‘ A ship is safe in the harbor, but that is not what it is built for’.

Seek opportunities – Most people balk at the thought of having to cross imaginary chasms. They simply avoid beginning the journey. On the other hand those who have attained success have always had the foresight and vision to seek opportunities in the midst of difficulties. The great scientist of the world especially those who have found cures for various ailments and diseases have not let their fear of the disease stop them from seeing an opportunity to find a cure for the same. There is risk, there is possibility of failure but there is also the sense of achievement, the joy of success and their vision of contributing for the larger good. Remember – A pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty’

Accept what can’t be changed – Every individual will definitely come across a situation that suddenly cascades into an avalanche of uncertainties. The death of a parent/ loved one, a sudden job loss, an unexpected health related issue etc. immediate trigger alarm, creates panic and disturbs our equilibrium. The situation is not of our making, yet it cannot be wished away of ignored. While the immediate shock is natural, it is essential that we come to grips with reality and begin to accept the situation. With a positive outlook, one can rationally seek out the positives that exist despite the not too pleasant situation you find yourself in. This will allow us to think with a calm mind, pick up our life once again and pursue our goals with purpose, passion and positivity. Remember – If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. -Mary Engelbreit

Change things by being proactive – Be the change you want to see, is a common enough refrain. Yes you have to take that bold step to begin the change that you want in your life. Change that overcomes you by accident, would often overwhelm you but change that you set in motion, is largely controlled by you and you can often steer it to direction you want to go. Begin by making small changes in your own life. Self discipline is good way to begin. Progress from thereon, to taking the lead to change things that you strongly feel about. You are taking charge of the uncertainty ahead to steer it to a certainty that you have envisioned. Remember – “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne

Try these:

  1. Rearrange your home and office space. It would be a proactive beginning and would also allow you to feel the power that you posses to influence the world around you when you take some proactive steps.
  2. Arrange these in the order that applies to you; with the most problematic one listed first and going down the order. Outline steps to tackle these so that you are leveraging possibilities to eliminate / minimize your problems
  • Lack of self discipline
  • Indecision
  • Poor time management
  • Impulsive reactions
  • Quick temper
  • Procrastination
  • Pessimistic outlook

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